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Executive Committee

Provides general oversight of the organization. Meets between board meetings as needed to administrate and manage activities to operate the organization. Consists of officers and at-large board members.

Shannon D. Smith, President

Dan Kusek, Vice-President

Brian Rockey, Treasurer

Lynn Roper, President Emeritus, Assistant Treasurer & Investment Manager

Heather Stauffer, Secretary

Christy Chamberlin, Finance & Development Chair

Holly Boomer, Grants & Awards Chair

Matt Evertson, At-Large

Finance & Development Committee

Manages financial operations including general accounting and reporting and investment management. Manages development including donor relations, annual campaign, and grant writing.

Christy Chamberlin, Chair

Brian Rockey

Lynn Roper

Dan McGlynn

Shannon Smith

Grants & Awards Committee

Distributes grants and funding according to endowment policies and donor agreements. Responsible for endowment donor relations and for creating reports of activities for endowment donors.

Holly Boomer, Chair

Christy Chamberlin

Dan Kusek

David Nesheim

Karen Kelley

Sandoz Center Committee

Supports Center staff, ensures funding is available where necessary and possible, liaises with CSC Administration

Dan Kusek

Christy Chamberlin

Nomination & Governance Committee

Identifies potential board members, prepares slate of officers and board members for election, oversees by-laws and assures compliance with non-profit best practices.

Dan McGlynn, Chair

Brian Rockey

Lynn Roper

Matt Evertson

Storycatcher Workshop Committee

Responsible for planning and management for all aspects of the writer's workshop.

Matt Evertson, Chair

Steven Coughlin

Sandoz Scholar Committee

Advises research award opportunities and selects winning candidates.

Jillian Wenburg, Chair

Broc Anderson

Chris Steinke

Sandoz Series Books Committee

Develops and publishes edited collections of essays based upon themes of interest to Sandoz.

Renee Laegreid, Chair

Leisl Carr-Childers

Margaret Heuttl

Pilster Lecture & Sandoz Symposium Planning Committee

Responsible for planning and management for all aspects of the annual lecture and symposium.

Broc Anderson

Kurt Kinbacher

Renee Laegreid

Elaine Nelson

In The Spirit of Mari Sandoz Award Committee

Establishes criteria, calls for nominees, and selects winners for the award.

Sybil Berndt

Christy Chamberlin

Con Marshall

Sandoz Collection Digitization Project Committee

Liaises with UNL Love Library team and assists with fundraising and project marketing/awareness strategies.

Shannon Smith

Futures/Branding Committee

Researches and proposes ideas to ensure sustainable organizational growth. Creates vision for the society's future.

Heather Stauffer, Co-Chair

Broc Anderson, Co-Chair

David Nesheim

Leisl Carr Childers

Renee Laegreid